The Ecommerce ranking is the ranking of the top 100 online stores in Italy, updated at October 2024
Ecommerce Ranking is the ranking of the best online shopping sites, divided by sector and updated every month.
Latest update: 14 October 2024
Company / Sector | Est. Relevance | ||||||||
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Scopri la Top 100
Scopri la classificaThe distribution by popularity of the top ten websites in the Ecommerce ranking.
The ranking is based on data estimates available on the Net, it has no statistical value but it is indicative of the balance of power between the various players.
In addition to the estimation of unique visits, time spent on the website, bounce rate and brand relevance are taken into consideration.
We update company data twice a year, considering major changes (naming, url, aggregations, etc.).
The companies in the ranking are selected based on revenue estimates for the previous year and traffic on the site.
You can send your company name for inclusion in the list or send an email for more information.
It is possible to examine the breakdown by sector of the companies and other information on the reference page.
In some cases the data may be incorrect or out of date. Casaleggio Associati assumes no responsibility for different uses of the ranking.
AI-Commerce: the frontiers of Ecommerce Digital Thinking with Artificial Intelligence
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